Dec 27, 2011

Relaxing by imagery: the deep, blue ocean

Relaxing by imagery: the deep, blue ocean


Hi there.  Today, let's learn to relax using the power of our imagination.  Let's try reducing stress in our everyday lives by imagining swimming in a deep, blue ocean.


Let's start at the beach.  The waves are softly washing up against the beach.  The soft sound of the waves is soothing.  Close by, several children are building a sand castle.  Children are so innocent.  A bit further off, a company of Marines are making an amphibious landing.  Let's head toward the water.


We're swimming now.  We've swam a bit now, haven't we?  Oh, look, a battleship!  Ships are magnificent, aren't they?  Let's dive underwater.


It's a whole new world under the surface of the waves, isn't it?  A turtle swims by.  Hello!  Let's wave at it as is swims peacefully by.  Oh look, a school of fish!  So peaceful.  The fish here are so exotic and colorful.  There's also a team of Navy SEALs swimming past.  Let's wave at them to.  Bye-bye!


It was sunny outside, but now it seems to be raining.  Or perhaps someone's shooting a .50-cal machine gun into the water.  But don't worry; bullets shot at an angle into the water will slow down considerably below six feet.  Let's dive deeper.


Now we see some really exciting fish.  Some have sharp needles, so let's be careful.  What's that round thing?  Oh, it's a mine!  How nice.  Maybe the SEAL team will take care of it.  Let's head back toward the surface.


Now, wasn't that relaxing?  Tomorrow, let's imagine taking a nice, sunny, afternoon stroll down the boulevards of downtown Mogadishu.


Happy relaxing!

Peace activist trains operator in nonviolent maritime interdiction operations

Mar 4, 2011

Daily Gas prices soar

In conjunction with soaring gas prices, The Daily Gas will also contribute to this global effect by raising its subscription rate by 12%.