Jul 6, 2008

Government maintains top secret blog

The government maintains a top secret blog accessible only to high ranking officials, according to a former government engineer who was involved in the initial development of the blog.

The blog is maintained on a single PC running Windows 2000, which is cut off from any form of network, and can only be read by accessing the PC directly. The PC is purportedly kept in an underground facility, and contains sensitive information concerning the latest geeky trends.

Officials gave no comments, but the existence of the blog has been rumored for some time by prominent conspiracy theorists.

A word from Mr. Wood

Dearest reader.

In this day and age of political correctional facilities, that black unmarked helicopter following you like a puppy, and non-alcoholic beer, whom or what do we turn to. Whom or what do we trust. What, in a nutshell, shall we do.

If you cannot beat them, join them. What a mantra. No amount of self-discipline can beat the lure of total assimilation. What is the one ticket out, the one way of remaining true to one's self.

During Mr. Fitzgerald's temporary absence, we at The Daily Gas will remain committed to maintaining journalistic integrity, pursuing justice, and reducing spelling errors.

We thank, and we thank, you.
Thank you.

B. B. Wood

Jul 3, 2008

To our readers:

To our readers:

Patrick Fitzgerald, editor-in-chief of the Daily Gas, has been hospitalized due to an imaginary illness. Although his condition is not severe it may require several months of therapy after the operation before he can fully function again as editor

Articles to the Daily Gas will therefore be sparse and non-daily, as it used to be, for the time being.
Until the full recovery of our editor
-in-chief, we welcome B. B. Wood, author of the best-selling novels "Weather Balloons from Outer Space" and "The Night before Dawn," as temporary editor-in-chief-in-vacuo-pro-tem.

Thank you for your constant patronage and understanding.